"Bailleul-en-Artois" [ASE Label], "Bailleul. Enemy electric or signal stations and ruins of Church. Farbus Wood in background. April & May 1919." [LAC Label]

Photographic Image

[Photograph of Bailleul, a French town near the Belgian border that was used as rearguard base to support Allied troops on the front in Flanders. Bailleul was briefly occupied by Germans in October 1914 until it was captured by the British Expeditionary Force shortly thereafter. On September 13, 1915, Bailleul became the headquarters for the newly established Canadian Corps.On April 15,1918, however, Bailleul was once again captured by the Germans. Until its liberation in July, Bailleul was heavily shelled, and by the end of the war, 98% of the town had been destroyed.]