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"2nd Battle of Ypres" [ASE Label], "Ypres- General View of Ground" [LAC Label]
"2nd Battle of Ypres" [ASE Label], "Ypres- General View of Ground" [LAC Label], 2
"4th Division Staff" [ASE Label], "(W.W.I - 1914 - 1918) Major Watson and Staff, 4th Canadian Division. June, 1918." [LAC Label]
"A Flooded Station at Valenciennes." [ASE Label], "The flooded Station at Valenciennes. November, 1918." [LAC Label]
"A Trench that we took on the Somme" [ASE Label], "German Trench captured by Canadians on the Somme. October, 1916." [LAC Label]
"Albert Cathedral" [ASE Label]
"Another view of Willerval Church" [ASE Label]
"Area from which attack was made by 10th & 16th Battalions on April 1915" [ASE Label], "Ypres- The area from which the attack on Kitchener Woods was launched in 1915" [LAC Label]
"Area near Ypres shell holes in foreground" [ASE Label]
"Armagh Wood" [ASE Label], "Observatory Ridge and the corner of Armagh Wood, taken from Mount Sorrel." [LAC Label]
"Armagh Wood" [ASE Label], "Observatory Ridge from Armagh Wood." [LAC Label]
"Armentieres" [ASE Label], "Armentieres. Eglise St. Yat. April & May 1919." [LAC Label]
"Arras homes that are no more" [ASE Label]
"B" Squadron 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force)
"Bailleuil after bombardment" [ASE Label]
"Bailleul before bombardment" [ASE Label]
"Bailleul-en-Artois" [ASE Label], "Bailleul. Enemy electric or signal stations and ruins of Church. Farbus Wood in background. April & May 1919." [LAC Label]
"Blocked Ships at Zeebrugge" [ASE Label]
"C" Company 194th O (Overseas) Highland Battn (Battalion), C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) Edmonton, Alberta, May 29th 1916
"C" Squadron 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force)
"Cadillac in Flooded Valenciennes Streets" [ASE Label], "Civilians driving to their homes through flooded streets of Valenciennes on a Canadian car. November, 1918." [LAC Label]
"Camp Borden" Canada 1916
"Canadian Monument Vimy Ridge" [ASE Label]
"Canadians constructing a Bridge across a river on the Arras-Cambrai Road on their way to Cambrai." [ASE Label]
"Captured German Machine Guns" [ASE Label], "A few machine guns captured at Vimy Ridge by Canadians. May, 1917." [LAC Label]
"Cherisy" [ASE Label], "Arras Front - Cherisy and road to Hendecourt" [LAC Label]
"Church at Messines" [ASE Label], "Church at Messines. Hill 63. April & May 1919" [LAC Label]
"Cite St. Auguste Where I was blown up by heavy shell and buried, Arpil, 1918" [ASE Label], Cite St. Auguste from the Quarry. Hill." [LAC Label]
"Combined Attack near Cambrai"
"Dury" [ASE Label], "Arras Front - Dury." [LAC Label]
"Dury" [ASE Label], "Arras Front - Mill at Dury (Moulins Damiens). April & May 1919" [LAC Label]
"Festubert" [ASE Label], "Festubert. General View of village approaching from Rue de L'Epinette." [LAC Label]
"Field Service Pocket Book 1914"
"G.H. Kennington in Bourton" [ASE Label], "Mr. G.H. Kennington, Canadian War records artist returning from work." [LAC Label]
"Gavrelle" [ASE Label], "Gavrelle. Arras Front." [LAC Label]
"German Soldiers Caged" [ASE Label]
"Givenchy Brewery" [ASE and LAC Label]
"Givenchy Duck's Bill Crater" [ASE Label], "The Ducks Bill Crater looking towards La Bassée. The scene of the attack by the 1st Cdn Inf. Bn." [LAC Label]
"H.M.S. Intrepid" [ASE label]
"H.M.S. Thebus (Thetis)." Zeebrugge. [ASE label]
"Hill 60." [ASE and LAC Label]
"Hollebeke" [ASE Label], "The Canal from the Bluff looking towards Hollebeke" [LAC Label]
"Inchy en Artois" [ASE Label], "Inchy-en-Artois near Canal du Nord. April & May 1919" [LAC Label]
"Laying a Track" [ASE Label]
"Le Quesnel Church from which all fences were removed." [ASE Label], "Le Quesnel Church. Substitute church in front." [LAC Label]
"Lens Road Green Crassier" [ASE Label], "The Sallaumines Ridge & Green Crassier from La Coulotte-Lens Road." [LAC Label]
"Lieut. General Sir J. Byng with a French Staff Officer" [ASE Label]
"Lieut.-Col. R.H. Webb and Major A.S. English outside remains of the brewery at La Coulotte. August, 1917" [LAC Label]
"Loos W. Hill 70" [ASE Label]
"Loos" [ASE Label], "Loos showing the Crassier" [LAC Label]
"Marcelcave" [ASE Label], "Amiens Front- Marcelcave" [LAC Label]
"Messines Ridge" [ASE Label & LAC Label]
"Monchy Le Prense" [ASE Label]
"Mont Sorrel" [ASE Label], "Mount Sorrel with Armagh House in the foreground." [LAC Label]
"Near Canal du Nord General Brutinels Headquarters" [ASE Label]
"Neuville" [ASE Label], "Neuville St. Vaast." [LAC Label]
"New Infirmary, Pike Law. 1."
"Officers of the 14th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France" [ASE Label], "Officers of the 14th Canadian Infantry Battalion in France. February, 1918." [LAC Label]
"Ordre De Transport"
"Passchendaele" [ASE and LAC Label]
"Quarry Headquarters Hill 70" [ASE Label], "Quarry H.Q. of Hill 70 Battle" [LAC Label]
"Quarry in Cite St Auguste" [ASE Label], "Quarry near Cite St. August" [LAC Label]
"Rouvroy" [ASE Label], "Rouvroy. Amiens Front. Bristled with dug-outs. April & May 1919." [LAC Label]
"Ruined Forts Liege" [ASE Label]
"Sains Les Marquion" [ASE Label], "Sains [near] lez Marquion showing Cavalry Crossroads near Canal du Nord." [LAC Label]
"Sanctuary Wood" [ASE Label]
"School-Days in the Army That First-Tion"
"Senior Officers School Aldershot, 1917" [ASE Label]
"Shell Holes Passchendaele" [ASE Label]
"Sportsmen Battalion" - 180th Overseas Battalion, C.E.F. Toronto, April 13th 1916
"St-Eloi" [ASE Label], "The Crater on the Bluff looking towards St. Eloi."
"Station Valenciennes" [ASE Label]
"Ste-Olle Church" [ASE Label], "Ste. Olle Church near Cambrai. April & May 1919." [LAC Label]
"The "Movie" Man" [ASE Label], "(W.W.I - 1914 - 1918) Canadian Cinematograph film in the making. Gas shells bursting in the distance. Advance East of Arras. August, 1918." [LAC Label]
"The Tiger" at Cambrai [ASE Label]
"Tilory" [ASE Label], "Tilloy near Cambrai" [LAC Label]
"Trenches and Tanks from the Air" [ASE Label]
"Valenciennes Station" [ASE Label], "Ruins of a tiny village on outskirts of Lens. February, 1918. [LAC Label]
"Valenciennes" [ASE Label]
"Villers Bretonneau" [ASE Label], "Amiens Front - Villers Bretonneau" [LAC Label]
"Vis en Artois" [ASE Label], Arras Front - Vis-en-Artois [LAC Label]
"Wasne-Au-Bac" [ASE Label]
"Wiencourt Church" [ASE Label]
"Ypres" [ASE Label]
"Ypres" [ASE Label], "Vue du promontoire à partir de la tranchée "International" [LAC Label]
'6TH Field Company" Canadian Engineers Overseas Draft 1916-
103rd Battn. (Battalion) C.E.F. Bugle Band
11 O'Clock Square. Armenteirre (Armenteires)
117th Eastern Townships O/S (Overseas) Battalion C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) [-] Valcartier Camp, July 1916
137th Overseas Battalion C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) "Calgary's Own Battalion" Sarces Camp, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. August 12th 1916.
138TH O (Overseas) Battalion C.E.F.(Canadian Expeditionary Force) Edmonton, Alberta, Can.
13th Canadian Btn "The Black Watch" R.H.C. [ASE label]
146th Battalion C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) Brass Band
14th Bn Montreal Regiment. Arriving home in Montreal from the Great War, May 18th, 1919 [ASE label]
14th Bn. Coming Out to Rest Billets [ASE label]
14th Bn. R.M.R. [ASE label]
15th Platoon. 89th O. (Overseas) Battn (Battalion) C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) 1916
15th Reinforcement Draft No.1 Overseas C.A.S.C. (Canadian Army Service Corps) Training Depot, Jan(January) 15th 1918
16th Battalion (50-72-79-91) Canadian Expeditionary Force [-] Valcartier 1914.
16TH Light Horse Camp Sewell 1914
181ST Regimental Band O.BN (Overseas Battalion) C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force)
1st Canadian Mounted Rifles, C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) 1915
219th Overseas Battalion N.S. (Nova Scotia) Highlanders
2nd Battle of Ypres [ASE label]
2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion Nova Scotia Detachment
38th Canadian Inf. entering Valenciennes. Nov. 1st 1918. [ASE label]
42nd Battlaion C.E.F. entering Mons, November 18, 1918 [ASE Label]
51st Overseas Battalion C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) Edmonton, Alberta, March 29th 1916.
8th and 9th Overseas Draft 68TH C.F.A. (Canadian Field Artillery) NOV.1916.
A "Jack Johnson" Bursting [ASE label]
A Field Hospital [ASE label]
A Hun 'plane which was brought down behind the Canadia Lines [ASE Label]
A. Squadron, 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force)
A.S.E at Passchendaele. 1917. Hole shell holes and mud. [ASE label]
After Battle of Arras [ASE label]
Albert from Air [ASE label]
Allied and German 'Planes engaged in mid-air [ASE label]
Allied Troops. Mayeux. 1918 [ASE label]
Amiens Square [ASE label]
Annual Church Parade No.1 Flying Training Station Camp Bordon at Toronto, May 23rd 1926
Anzac Cove. Gallipoli [ASE label]
Arras Sector. 1918. [ASE label]
Arras Square [ASE label]
ASE & Capt. Scott [ASE label]
Bailleul [ASE label]
Band of 196th (Western Universities) Battln (Battalion) Camp Hughes, 1916.
Battle of Vimy Ridge. 1917. Canadians advancing. German prisoners carrying our wounded. [ASE label]
Battle of Vimy Ridge. 1917. Canadians advancing. [ASE label]
Before Battle of Arras [ASE label]
Bellevue [ASE label]
Bismark Memorial [ASE label] (Bismarck Tower)
British Mission and Graves. Zeebrugge. [ASE label]
British War Medal awarded to Pte Benard
Cadet Course no.9, Royal Flying Corps, Toronto. July 26th 1917
Camp Command
Can. (Canadian) Grenadier Guards 87th Overseas Battalion, 1916
Canadian 3rd Brigade Headquarters. Givenchy [ASE label]
Canadian 9.2 Gun in action [ASE laebel]
Canadian Ambulance. Hit by shell [ASE label]
Canadian Expeditionary Force - 8th Can. Mounted Rifles - Barriefield. Camp, June. 7. 1915.
Canadian Expeditionary Force 2nd Overseas Draft 1st Dep(Depot) Bn (Battalion), 2nd COR (Central Ontario Regiment)
Canadian Gunners in Action [ASE Label]
Canadian Scottish Entering Mons on Armistice Day [ASE Label]
Canadian Siege Gun [ASE label]
Canadians Entering the Square at Cambrai. [ASE label]
Canal du Nord, 1918 [ASE Label]
Canal. Armentierre (Armentieres) [ASE label]
Capt. Slaght. Killed in Action. March, 1918 [ASE label]
Captain Fryatt's Ship. "S.S. Brussels." [ASE label]
Captured German Trench [ASE label]
Carman Contingent, 18th Mounted Rifles.
Cathedral and Cloth Hall Ypres 1916 [ASE label]
Cedars of Lebanon [ASE label]
Cemetary at Etaples. 1917 [ASE label]
Cemetery Fleury la Riviere [ASE label]
Charleroi, Belgium, where French and Germans first met, 1914 [ASE label]
Chateau en Santerre (Chateau de Beacourt-en-Santerre) [ASE label]
Chateau en Santerre (Chateau de Beaucourt-en-Sauterre) [ASE label]
Cite St. Laurent [ASE label]
Cloth Hall Ypres [ASE label]
Collection of Barker's First World War Photographs
Cologne by Night [ASE label]
Cologne Cathedral [ASE label]
Cologne from Air [ASE label]
Cologne Park in Winter [ASE label]
Cologne, 1919 [ASE label]
Corps Headquarters. Somme Advance [ASE label]
Count Brockdorff-Rantzau and German Delegates arriving at Spa. 1918 to arrange Armistice [ASE label]
Crater, Vimy Ridge [ASE label]
D"Co 193rd Batt (Battalion) Nova Scotia Highlanders
Dead Germans "Somewhere in France" [ASE label]
Dick Steacy, 1914 [ASE label]
Evacuation of Gallipoli [ASE label]
Festubert near Ypres [ASE Label]
Festubert [ASE label]
Field Dressing Station [ASE label]
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig. Congratulating 14th Bn. [ASE label]
Field Message Book
Field Note
Field Notes
Field Ruler
Franco-German Frontier [ASE label]
Franco-German War Veterans. Reviewed by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Denain. 1918. [ASE label]
French Flying Officers Elp [sic] L'Aide a la France Montreal Fair [ASE label]
General Plumer, in France [ASE label]
General Robertson - General Foch [ASE label]
General Sam Hughes and Brig. Gen. (Brigadier General) John Hughes and Officers Camp Hughes June 26th 1916
General Sir Sam Hughes Inspecting Troops Camp Hughes June 26th 1916
Genl. Robertson - Genl. Foch [ASE label]
German Dead in a Captured Trench [ASE label]
German Dug-out Construction [ASE label]
German Emperor, Crown Prince. Taken in the field by a German Officer [ASE label]
German Prisoners [ASE label]
German Trenches [ASE Label]
Givenchy. The Ducks Bill Cratu [sic] looking towards La Bassee The scene of the attack by 1st Canadian Inf. Bn. June 1915 [ASE label]
H.M.L.S. "We're All In It" [ASE label]
H.R.H Duke of Connaught. Inspecting my company. [ASE label]
Hatch House. Tisbury. Wilts. [ASE label]
Hazebrooke (Hazebrouck) from the air [ASE label]
Hill 60 [ASE label]
Hill 70 [ASE label]
King Solomon's Pool. Jerusalem [ASE label]
La Coullotte Brewery [ASE lable]
Labour Day. Cologne. 1918 [ASE label]
Laying Trench Mats at Passchendaele [ASE label]
Letter from mother
Light Railway, Leavin (Lievin) [ASE label]
Liquid Fire Attack [ASE label]
Little (Lille) Gate. Ypres [ASE label]
London Group of Officers, N.C.O. (Non-commissioned officer) and Ptes (private) of the 7th Canadian Mounted Rifles
Major General Sam Hughes Addressing Officers. 1916 [ASE label]
Medal awarded to James Hobart Bruce
Medals awarded to George Campbell
Medals awarded to James Edward Ball
Medals awarded to John Malcom Baillie
Medals awarded to John Ure Buchanan
Memorial Cross awarded to Pte Bowen
Mericourt [ASE label]
Messines Ridge [ASE label]
Metz - Aussicht von der Esplanade
Monchy-le-Preux [ASE label]
My Company Passing Review Post. 148 Bn. [ASE label]
Naval Guns [ASE label]
No. 2 Company Royal Montreal Regt. 14 Battalion C.E.F.Grenadier Guards of Canada
No.4 School of Aeronautics, Royal Air Force. University of Toronto, Canada, April 24th 1918
Officers of 44th Wing, Royal Air Force, Camp Borden, Ont. (Ontario) Sept (September) 7th 1918.
Officers of the Can. (Canadian) Grenadier Guards, 87th Overseas Battalion. St. Johns, P.Q. 1916
Original Gas Attack at Ypres April 23rd 1915 [ASE label]
Our Brave Boys at the Front
Passchendaele from the Air [ASE Label]
Passchendaele Village [ASE label]
Passchendaele [ASE label]
Popperinge (Poperinge) from Air. 1916 [ASE label]
Postcard from Lieutenant Dudley Acheson
Queens Battery 13th Brigade Petewawa [1916]
Reinforcement Draft, No.1 Overseas C.A.S.C. (Canadian Army Service Corps) Training Depot Winnipeg 1917
Ruins of Albert Cathedral [ASE label]
Saluting the Colors 214th Battalion C.E.F (Canadian Expeditionary Force) [-] Camp Hughes Aug[ust] 1916
School of Bayonet Fighting & Physical Training. London, Ont[ario] 1916
Sevenhampton Column Order #3
Shelters. Meathop Sanatorium. 6
Siege Artillery Draft, C.E.F., (Canadian Expeditionary Force) McGill University, Montreal, June 15th, 1914
St. Jans Cappell [ASE label]
Sun Quarry Theal Sherisy (Cherisy) [ASE label]
Sun Quarry, Cherisy, captured by the 2nd Canadian Division, August, 1918 [ASE Label]
Sunken Road. canal du Nord. 1918 [ASE label]
Tank in Action [ASE label]
Tanks at Villers Bretonneu [ASE label]
The Band, 67th Western Scots (Pioneer Battalion) - July, 1916
The Bluff from International Trench. Ypres [ASE label]
The Bluff. Looking Towards St. Eloy (Eloi) [ASE label]
The Canal from the bluff looking towards Hollebeke [ASE label]
The Khaki Club for the Army and Navy
The Mole. Zeebrugge [ASE label]
The President and Members of the Canadian Cavalry Association Winnipeg 1914
Turks skeletons. Gallipoli [ASE label]
University School Victoria BC The Officers of the Battalion, 1913
Venice [ASE label]
Victory Medal
View of 2nd Battle of Ypres [ASE label]
Wancourt [ASE label]
Whiz-Bang Corner. Leavin (Lievin), 1917 [ASE label]
Ypres from Air [ASE label]
[236th "New Brunswick Kilties" Battalion Band]
[251st Battalion Band]
[88th Battalion Victoria B.C.]
[Aerial photograph of Amiens Cathedral]
[Aerial photograph of Castle]
[Aerial photograph of cemetery]
[Aerial photograph of landscape 2]
[Aerial photograph of landscape]
[Aerial photograph of large port]
[Aerial photograph of plains landscape]
[Aerial photograph of ruined buildings]
[Aerial photograph of ruined landscape]
[Aerial photograph of ruined townscape 2]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 1]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 2]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 3]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 4]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 5]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 6]
[Aerial photograph of townscape 7]
[aerial view of coastline and clouds]
[Aerial view of Westminster Abbey II]
[Aerial view of Westminster Abbey I]
[Allied Troops at Mayeux]
[Armstrong, Montreal, McGill University Overseas Siege Artillery Corps Officer Grouping against Sandstone Wall]
[Bapaume Road]
[Battalion Photo with Commanding Officers in front]
[Brigadier General J.M. Ross]
[Buckingham Palace, London]
[Canadian Machine Gun Corps, Prize Cups in Front, 2 Vickers Guns]
[Canadian Messenger with German spring tire bicycle]
[Canadian Soldier at Camp]
[Clerical Staff 42nd Bn DHQ]
[Domestic Interior]
[Field Marshal Sir William Robertson and Marshal Ferdinand Foch]
[Grave Marker for Captain Charles Fryatt]
[Group Photo of Military Police with 2 Dogs]
[Group Photo of Unknown Field Ambulance Unit with dog in front]
[Group Shot 1st Depot Battalion, Nova Scotia Regiment]
[Group Shot Artillery Battalion]
[Group Shot ASE, Officers, wives and children]
[Group Shot ASE, officers, wives II]
[Group Shot ASE, officers, wives I]
[Group Shot Battalion]
[Group Shot Fire Brigade]
[Group Shot of Soldiers at Folkestone]
[Group Shot Soldiers from the Nova Scotia Regimental Depot]
[Group Shot twelve soldiers]
[Grouping on a Boat, Sailors in the Rigging]
[Hangard Church]
[Military Funeral, Prospect Cemetery]
[Newspaper Clipping of Kingsley C. Brooke]
[Newspaper Clipping of Lieut. A.W. Duncan and 2nd Lieut. R.C.H. Kingdon]
[Newspaper Clipping of Lieut. A.W. Duncan]
[Obituary photograph Private William Newton Mitchell]
[Photo of Canadian Private]
[Photo of Soldier on Horse]
[Photo of Staff Sergeant]
[Photo of Three Soldiers on Horses]
[Photograph of Cpl. Percy Eugene Peterson (right) with unidentified soldier.]
[Photograph of Three Young Children]
[Portrait of 24th Batallion Private]
[Portrait of a British Chaplain]
[Portrait of Albert Arthur Hensler], c.1915.
[Portrait of an officer, Military Corps Ribbon leaf cap badge]
[Portrait of Bill Jarvis and Dan Steele, 1916]
[Portrait of Canadian Officer, unknown battalion]
[Portrait of Captain Ernest Edward Linger]
[Portrait of Charles Waldock]
[Portrait of Cpl. Percy Eugene Peterson], c. 1916.
[Portrait of Florence Fenton]
[Portrait of George Washington Hill]
[Portrait of James Leslie Glover]
[Portrait of Kingsley C. Brooke]
[Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Charles McEachran]
[Portrait of Lt. Donald Ewan Cameron]
[Portrait of Major General Louis James Lipsett]
[Portrait of Officer, 85th Battalion]
[Portrait of Private Basil Victor Jones]
[Portrait of Private Ernest Aime Belliveau]
[Portrait of Private John Lince]
[Portrait of Private Walter Pipes Mack]
[Portrait of Private William Newton Mitchell]
[Portrait of Sargent David Liddell]
[Portrait of Sgt. George]
[Portrait of soldiers in winter]
[Portrait of Unknown Officer, 4th Infantry Battalion Central Ontario]
[Portrait of Unknown Officer, with General Service University Badge]
[Portrait of Urias H. Holmes]
[Portrait of woman holding two puppies]
[Post Card from Grace Hall-Abell]
[Rosi dans le mois de juin 1917]
[Sapper S.C. Stevens, 1st C.E.R.B.]
[Senior Officers Class December 1916]
[Signals Grouping with Signals Flag, 175th Battalion, Medicine Hat]
[Snapshot of 81st Battalion Lieutenants, West Sandling]
[Snapshot of a Highland Regiment]
[Snapshot of Lt Col Malcolm Nugent Ross and Lt John Percy Copp]
[Snapshot of Lt Col Urias H. Holmes and Lt Col Malcolm Nugent Ross]
[Snapshot of Major H.K. Clifton and Captain K.C. Brooke]
[Snapshot of Royal Flying Corps Airman]
[Soldiers from the 138th Edmonton Battalion, with Lamps and Mirrors in Front]
[Standing portrait of an Officer, Military Corps Ribbon, whistle on Same Browne]
[Studio Group Shot of Seven Soldiers]
[Studio Photograph of Ethel France and Baby Georgie]
[Studio Photograph of LT. George Otty]
[Studio Photograph of Vin and Lily]
[Studio Photograph of Young Girl]
[Studio Photograph of Young Woman (Lily)]
[Studio Photograph of Young Woman (Vin)]
[Studio Portrait Corporal, Canadian Garrison Artillery]
[Studio Portrait of British Naval Sailor]
[Studio Portrait of Royal Flying Corps Airman]
[Studio Portrait of Soldier]
[The Pyramids from the Air]
[Unknown Grouping, 3 Wearing Fur Shakos Window on Right Hand Side]
[Unknown Grouping, Outdoors, Wooden Houses in Back]
[Unknown Grouping, Trees in the Background]
[Unknown Pipe Band with four drums]
[Unnamed Soldier Grouping, 1 Solider in Glengarry, with sign "French Money Exchanged Here" in background]
[Veterans Parade with sign of "Ladie Wear"]
[Wedding Photo of Soldier and Bride]
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William James Barker
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